Digital Marketing and Social Media


The BSc in Digital Marketing and social media is an innovative program that aims to fill the gap identified in modern firms in the field of marketing. Specifically, the advancement of technologies in communication as well as development and ubiquity of digital media generate new challenges as well as opportunities that need to be addressed by contemporary marketers. This unique program aims to provide the necessary knowledge and practical experience to meet the contemporary needs. The program has a strong foundation in business and marketing but its delivery is also heavily influenced with the input from other fields namely, information technology so as to understand and appreciate the current information ecosystem, including the WWW and smart mobile devices, and media communication so as to understand and appreciate how digital content and information can be constructed and used. Professionals who can leverage the power of digital marketing via mobile devices, social networks, graphic design and the Web are in high demand in the marketplace. Our Bachelor of Science in Digital Marketing and Social Media degree is designed to develop each student’ s creative, technical and business talents to empower their careers as digital marketers.


The BSc in Digital Marketing and Social Media is an innovative program that aims to fill the gap identified in modern firms in the field of marketing. Specifically, the advancement of technologies in communication as well as development and ubiquity of digital media generate new challenges as well as opportunities that need to be addressed by contemporary marketers.

This unique program aims to provide the necessary knowledge and practical experience to meet the contemporary needs. The program has a strong foundation in business and marketing but its delivery is also heavily influenced with the input from other fields, namely, information technology so as to understand and appreciate the current information ecosystem, including the WWW and smart mobile devices, and media communication so as to understand and appreciate how digital content and information can be constructed and used.